Care & Cure Can Assist You In Attaining A Pain-Free Ankle.

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Reasons For Ankle Pain

A sprain is defined as an overstretching or tearing of a ligament. Ankle sprains are often the result of a faulty step, stepping awkwardly on uneven terrain or in a hole. A sprain can also result from a sudden change in direction in sports.

The “sprain” occurs when the ankle rolls, twists, or turns awkwardly to the outer aspect of the ankle (i.e., lateral ankle sprain). This sudden stretch leads to partial or complete tearing of the ligaments supporting the ankle joint.

The severity of the injury will determine the degree of pain, inflammation, ability to move the joints, and the time frame for healing and recovery. Regardless of how you were injured, ankle injuries should be examined by a physical therapist to initiate rehabilitation and to make sure no permanent harm has been done.

The most common ankle fractures typically result from rolling or twisting the ankle and occur in the bony bump on the outside of the ankle (i.e., the lateral malleolus). The lateral malleolus is the bottom of the fibula bone.

The bump on the inside of your ankle (i.e., the medial malleolus) is the bottom of the tibia bone and is less commonly fractured.

A trimalleolar fracture is a severe injury that can affect your quality of life and cause long-term problems. A trimalleolar fracture involves the tibia, fibula, and talus bone. The talus is a bone in the foot that is located between the tibia and fibula bones.

Ankle fractures may necessitate weeks of rest to heal properly.

An unexpected strain on the Achilles tendon can cause tiny tears or even a complete rupture of the tendon. Tears less than 50% of the tendon can heal without surgery. It is very important to seek the help of a trained physical therapist for guidance on how to rehabilitate this injury properly.

Rest or pushing too hard too soon will often result in complications and may lead to scar tissue or chronic weakness and pain.

Achilles tendonitis is commonly associated with an overuse-type injury or a repetitive stress injury. Tendinitis occurs when the tendons become inflamed, resulting in swelling and pain, especially with movement of the affected area.

If you have pain in the outer aspect of your ankle, it could be due to an old injury that did not heal properly. In most cases, the pain persists due to a range of motion change from the initial (or repeated) sprains. In some situations, the ligament(s) sustained a complete rupture, resulting in instability in the joint.

Your ankle joints can become chronically and persistently painful as they become more unstable or have limitations in range of motion.

Arthritis is a common condition associated with degeneration, inflammation, range of motion deficits, and pain. Arthritis can affect people of all ages but is typically worse with age.

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the most common types. Both types of arthritis cause damage to the cartilage and, over time, can limit your ability to walk and move around. Both types of arthritis can significantly impact the ankle joint and your overall function.

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