Cupping Therapy
Do You Suffer From Chronic Pain?
Experience the Potential Benefits of Cupping Therapy!
Cupping therapy, with its roots in traditional Chinese and Middle Eastern medicinal practices, is a therapy method that has been providing relief for thousands of years. At Care & Cure, we utilize cupping therapy as an effective technique for pain management.
This therapeutic modality, often termed “tissue distraction release,” involves placing circular cups on the skin’s pain points or tension areas. Ancient societies from China, Egypt, and the Middle East initially introduced cupping to alleviate pain and minimize inflammation.
What Exactly Is Cupping Therapy?
Have you ever noticed people with circular marks on their bodies and wondered what they are from? The marks are a result of cupping therapy, a technique where circular cups are placed on the skin over areas of pain or tension. These cups are secured using suction generated by a pump and are typically left in place for several minutes per session.
In Birmingham & Solihull, Coventry & Warwickshire, and London, our physical therapists use rubber or silicone cups for cupping therapy. These cups create a vacuum effect that lifts the skin and dilates blood vessels, promoting pain relief, relaxation, and improved blood circulation to reduce inflammation.
Cupping therapy targets tense areas and specific trigger points—areas of heightened sensitivity and irritation—which are often sources of musculoskeletal pain. Trigger points, commonly caused by injury or repetitive strain, can generate both local and referred pain.
While the exact mechanism by which cupping therapy alleviates pain is still being studied, the Gate Control Theory is a leading explanation. This theory suggests that applying a non-painful stimulus (like cupping) can “close the gates” on nerves, blocking the sensation of pain.
Additionally, cupping increases local blood flow, potentially raising levels of nitric oxide—a compound linked to muscle relaxation, reduced tension, and pain relief.
What Are The Benefits of Cupping Therapy?
This technique brings with it numerous advantages.
Cupping therapy is effective for treating a variety of conditions, encompassing chronic neck pain, lower back pain, fibromyalgia, and other musculoskeletal pain-related conditions. Moreover, it can enhance the health of your skin, alleviate respiratory issues, and promote better digestion.
Studies have shown that cupping therapy can assist in relieving pain and augmenting circulation in the areas where the cups are applied. This is a safe therapeutic approach, and for some individuals, it serves as the catalyst that sets their path towards recovery in motion.
Contact Care & Cure Right Away To Find The Relief You Have Been Looking For!
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