Are You Experiencing Arm Pain? Physical Therapy Could Provide A Long Term Solution!

Physical Therapy Can Help Improve Upper Extremity Pain.

Are you experiencing arm pain and weakness in your arm? Is it difficult to lift and hold things you use in your daily routine? You could be suffering from tendon or nerve dysfunction or even a problem in your neck joints.
Whether your pain results from an injury or repetitive stress, it’s often the result of irritation or inflammation of the tendons, cartilage, or nerves in the arm. Your pain can be so severe that doing routine activities of daily living seems impossible. While the pain may feel serious, it’s entirely curable.
At Care & Cure, our physical therapists are movement experts skilled at treating any musculoskeletal condition that may be causing your symptoms. No matter where you are experiencing your problem, we will trace it back to the source and help you resolve it once and for all!

Causes Of Upper Extremity Pain

Tennis and Golfer’s elbow (i.e., tendinitis)

Ligament sprains and tears

Degeneration and arthritis

Broken and/or dislocated elbow

The most common causes of shoulder and arm pain are:

Rotator cuff disorders (i.e., tendinopathy and tears)

Joint disorders (i.e., cartilage and ligament injuries)

Degeneration and arthritis

Referred neck pain


Faulty postures and mechanics

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Degeneration and arthritis

Broken wrist

Wrist tendinopathy

Referred neck pain

What Do My Symptoms Mean?

Clarifying the location of your pain will help your physical therapist figure out the source of your arm pain and the appropriate plan to resolve it.
For example, a ligament injury is often felt at the injury’s exact location and decreased range of motion is often associated with arthritis. In comparison, an injury to the joints in the neck can irritate the nerves. This, in turn, can send symptoms to the tip of the fingers. Having a physical therapist that understands the musculoskeletal system is the first step to finding relief.
Aching or stiffness around the front or the side of the shoulder is often due to a tendon/rotator cuff injury. In comparison, pain in the back of the shoulder is likely coming from the joint itself. Shoulder blade pain often comes from the neck and not the shoulder itself.

man with arm pain

What To Expect At Physical Therapy

Physiotherapists assess your particular condition to identify the contributing factors and address all of them. Your therapist is skilled at hands-on intervention and exercise selection for the most comprehensive and appropriate intervention to help you resolve your pain and/or restore your function.

Physiotherapy treatments typically include manual therapy, joint mobilization manipulation, exercise instruction, education, and techniques like KT taping. These have all been proven to help alleviate pain and restore function.
Interventions such as education, manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, nerve and tendon glide techniques are widely used for effective results!.

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